Every year, as the echoes of summer fade and the anticipation of the new school year intensifies, countless families grapple with the financial strains of preparing their children for school. Recognizing this challenge, the Bless Local event was born in...
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In the face of a global surge in addiction and overdoses, we at Cobian remain committed to making a positive difference through our Salt + Light campaign. We recently had the honor of participating in the 2nd Annual Bro-Side Classic...
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Cobian recently had the honor of hosting a memorable "Salt + Light" event with the awe-inspiring Bethany Hamilton at Flip Flop Shops in Koloa Village, located on her home island of Kauai. This vibrant event unfolded with a myriad of...
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We're proud to partner with the Beautifully Flawed Foundation throughout the year and participate in their annual retreat in Del Mar, CA. Founded by Cobian ambassador Bethany Hamilton, the foundation helps unite and inspire young men and women with limb...
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“When you’re faced with the loss of your limb or some other physical difference there becomes, in your mind, a real challenge to what our culture says is beautiful,” Hamilton says. “There has to be a change in your mindset when it comes to beauty, from focusing on physical appearance—which is fleeting — to thinking of the heart and attitude and even something greater...”
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