Forgiveness & Redemption: Dennis Martinez's Story

One of the original godfathers of skateboarding, Dennis Martinez had it all until a downward spiral of drug use led to incarceration. That became a catalyst to turn his life around and help others. Today he operates the SD Training Center, a faith-based facility that offers housing, counseling services, and life skills workshops.

Born in San Diego, California, Dennis Martinez started skating at age 10 on a red Roller Derby board with metal wheels. Around 1974, Dennis was slalom racing and practicing freestyle, eventually getting sponsored. In 1976, he started pool riding at the Soul Bowl in San Diego, and became the first to do an (old school) kickflip on a wedge ramp. Making the cover of Skateboarder mag with a close-up of a classic frontside grind. Around this time, Dennis started making good money as a professional skater for G&S, cashing checks for as much as $40,000 a month. The professional highs were all time but they were matched by personal lows as he found himself addicted to drugs and spiraling downward.
Not surprisingly, sponsors started dropping him, and around 1980 his drug addiction was in full control of his life. He quit skating and ended up homeless, living under a bridge and eating out of dumpsters. Finally, in desperation Dennis responded to an invitation and cried out to God. On September 5th, 1996 he fully surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. Dennis was able to completely quit drugs and the criminal lifestyle that accompanied it.

A path of redemption had started and in the year 2000, Dennis became a pastor committed himself to doing ministry all around the world. He started an organization called Training Center to help addicts stay off drugs, and his life story was the subject of a movie called D.O.P.E. Dennis has been featured in a reality show called Off the Street about helping recently released prison inmates successfully reintegrate with society.
Dennis does all of this to stand in the gap and point people to the one thing that broke the bondage he was trapped in, a relationship with Jesus. In a world desperate for solution Dennis found one that works and is doing everything he can to share that path with others.